Thursday, September 13, 2012

How To Polish Silver Jewelry

I've purchased some dangly earrings while I was in Toledo, Spain. They have since developed tarnish. Tarnish is a chemical reaction of certain metals with oxygen in the air. You can't stop this from happening but you can clean it.

Things You Need

  1. The tarnished silver.
  2. Some clean cloth.
  3. Dip style tarnish remover.


Wash your silver jewelry and remove oils then pat dry.

Originally bought as a gift, it ended back in my hands for cleaning. Yay!

Dip the silver for 3-5 seconds.

Yes, I know. It's blurry. Go away.

Wipe dry.

Polished on the left. Tarnished on the right.


Don't ever get this in your eyes. I don't know what happens but I don't want to find out.

If you are in the area and need some silver polished, I still have that entire bottle. You can borrow it. 

1 comment:

  1. You can use toothpaste as an alternative to Dip & Shine :)
